Monday 30 August 2010


IMAKO cosmetic teeth are a new cheap way of getting perfect teeth for the price of £39.99. They come in sizes small or large and mould to your upper teeth while clipping onto your gums. You can drink and smoke with them in, but no eating, which I find a little bit of a let down.Imagine going out on a first date and having to take your teeth out before you start your meal ,I mean your date might expect to take you to the toilet next......... not a good impression, acting in the same manner as a pensioner!
Anyway if you fancy trying them out they are on Ebay for £39.99 or website (this is an American site and might be more money for shipping)

Miss Congeniality-Beauty tips from back stage

Beauty Pagent Queens are definitely not style icons! Its all too contrived and over the top, it does serve a purpose, but plastic, try -hard  beauty is just not appealing anymore! Even the orange faced, beauty-counter divas are toning it down to become less obvious, which is a shame because the department store cosmetic counter was like a cheaper version of Madam Tussards at one point, consisting of lots of waxy faced women, who couldn't move their faces!
The one thing that we can congratulate the Beauty Queens for is their old school beauty tips that are relevant to us and don't worry it doesn't consist of sparkly laguna blue eyeshadow and coral sunset lipstick Hoorah!! -Here's a few for you-  

Tip 1 -Apply Hemroid cream to get rid of bags under your eyes (be careful with this one as reports have said it can also thin your skin so not recommending it)
Tip 2- For a bum lift, spray a little water on your tights before you put them on and it will instantly lift your buttocks!
Tip 3- If you don't have perfect teeth put vaseline on them to fill in any cracks or gaps 
Tip 4- Buff your lips with an old tooth brush to get smooth perfect lips
Tip 5- Before an event or night out do at least 50 sit ups to make your stomach tight before you leave the house.

Mulberry Alexa Style Bag for £37.99

 Doesn't this look very much like the Alexa Bag from Mulberry!
The Mulberry Alexa bag is £795, this bag is £37.99 from an ebay shop called  AFFORDABLE CELEBRITY FASHION.Its a great online shop that sells gorgeous bags, similar to the Mulberry Alexa Bags for a fraction on the price. There are three different colours to choose from, black, tan or leopard pattern.
 I've recently ordered a bag in leopard pattern which is a dark tan colour, when it arrives I will let you know the verdict and if it will pass as an Alexa!
Affordable Celebrity Fashion is defo worth a look, it  sells clothes and accessories, all inspired by what celebrities are wearing now!


I'm all for the natural way of prolonging your youthful looks and getting gorgeous radiant skin!

Lemons are great for the skin and their acidity helps to get rid of brown patches, and any nastiness on the surface of your face. Here's how to do it -
Step one- Bathe your face in warm water to open pores
Step two- Squeeze the lemon onto a cotton wool pad and wipe it all over your skin, avoiding your eyes
Step three- Get any type of granulated sugar, use this as an exfoliant to rub into the skin. You can use the pad you have used to apply the lemon to add the sugar and rub around the face.
Step four- Do this until your skin feels clean, then wash off!
Your skin should feel smooth and amazing!!! Let me know when you've tried it!
NB- Remember to be careful if you have very sensitive skin, try a little patch test to make sure it doesn't irritate!

Saturday 28 August 2010


The Liverpool Glamour girls have been doing it for ages now, but it hasn't seemed to have caught on in Newcastle! I walked out of my hairdressers, like this girl the other day and got some really funny looks!!
In Liverpool, no-one would even bat an eyelid, because it is quite acceptable to wear your rollers in the day while shopping! Not only do you look like a glam puss celebrity, accessorised with big sunglasses, you're prepping your big Bridget Bardot hair for your night out at the same time!!!
Keep it going Beatle Beauties I love the 21st century Hilda Ogden look! I'm going home instantly to put three flying ducks on my living room wall!
N.B I do not condone wearing this look with pyjamas or any velour tracksuit !